A Treatise Concerning Evil Thoughts and Imaginations and Concerning Good Thoughts and Meditation

Evil Thoughts and Imaginations,
And Concerning
Good Thoughts and Heavenly

How every true Chriſtian muſt know the one conſumed by the brightneſs of the appearance of Chriſt; and the other ſubjećted and brought into the Obedience of Chriſt.

A few words concerning the Life, State, and enjoyment of a true Chriſtian, and of the true Chriſtian Worſhip, what it ſtands in, and how performed.

Then the Lord took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden, to dress it &nd to keep it, Gen. 1.27,28.

By W.S.

Printed in the Year 1679.

Keyboarded By: Keith F. Saylor August 2020

Original Topography and Spelling Retained



My chief end and aim in this small Treatiſe concerning Thoughts, &c. is, that thou mayeſt be informed how to attain unto the Primitive Wisdom1, Power, and Dominion, which Mankind had, before Transgreſſion entred the World; wherein he did, and could ſubdue the Earth, have dominion over it, and over all the Creatures God had made, moving upon {Preface II} the face of the Earth, in the Air and Water also; and gives them all Names according to their Nature, and to dreſs and keep the Garden according to the Command of God: for God never commanded any thing (as Man's Duty) that was impoſſible; he had Wisdom and Power given to him to obſerve and obey whatſoever was enjoyned by him; the Serpent could not force or compel, though he could entice and allure; yet till he was yielded to, till conſent through deceivableneſs of the Bait, begot vain hope to better his estate, till he gave way to fooliſh Thoughts and Conſultations, he kept his Innocency, Place, and Habitation in Paradice: XR2830 But when he entered into the Temptation, he went forward into a multitude of Thoughts and Inventions, till he was driven to the greateſt distance from God; in which ſtate he doth and will remain, till he come to embrace the hand that ſmites him, and obey that {Preface III} voice that calls unto him in the cool of the day, and to learn of that Spirit that reproveth him2, and convinceth him of Sin, and maketh him afraid to ſee the face of God, becauſe he hath Tranſgreſſed his Law, and broken his Holy Commandments: and until he comes to believe, that he that wounds muſt heal, he that calls to account for evil doing, muſt ſave from it, and that the Reproofs of Inſtruction is the way to life, and that to be ſlain with the Flaming Sword that turns every way to guard the Tree of Life, is the way to live again: And that through the Spirit of Judgement and burning, Redemption, Salvation, Restoration and Everlasting Felicity is again to be come unto; and the Spirit of Diſobedience that took Life by obeying the {Preface IV} Serpent, must come to Death, muſt be Mortified, Slain and Buried out of ſight also, in all his Thoughts, Imaginations, Inventions, Willing, Running, Comprehending; in all his Wiſdom, Knowledge, Prudence, and Underſtanding alſo: theſe muſt all be ſtopped, bowed under, and confounded, or brought to nought, before he can enter into the reſt again, or know what the Sabbath of the Lord is, which the outward Sabbath was a ſign of.

Mankind is never ſafe while he is his own keeper, while he is willing, running, and working for himelf; while he is guided and led by his own Will, Mind, Knowledge, Wisdom, Prudence, and Understanding; he is never at quiet, never content and ſatisfied, never at reſt, being gone from the Fountain of Living Water, though he labours and toils to hew out Ciſterns that he thinks may supply his want; yet they prove ſo broken, that they will hold no water, no refreſhment for his Soul, no ſatisfaction nor content for his mind, though he toil and dig in the earth, and search the dark corners thereof: And though in his thoughts and imaginations he aſcends up into Heaven, and makes his Neſt among the Stars, his labour is all vain and fruitleſs, when the day of ſhiking comes, when the melting of the Elements come, all proves but as a bed too short, and as a covering too narrow, and as one that walks by the light of his own ſparks, and warms himſelf by the fire of his own kindling, but in the end lies down in ſorrow. All theſe things thou who art a Child of Light, and of the day, underſtandeſt right well; therefore art thou made willing in the day of God's power to die to thy ſelf daily, to give up and resign thy ſelf to the daily Croſs,3 till thou doſt become dead, crucified, and buried alſo; till which, thou cannot avoid thinking thy own thoughts, ſpeaking thy own words, and doing thy own ways, and following thy own will, thoughts, and inventions, from which ſprang thy misery, and in which it continues, ſo long as thou art alive in thy ſelf, and at home in the body, thou art really dead and abſent from the Lord.

XR3915 For it is only thoſe that are dead and ſuffer with Chriſt that come to know a living and reigning with him, over all worldly Rudiments, over all carnal Ordinances, over all filthineſs of Flesh and Spirit, over all Principalities and Powers, and Spiritual Wickedneſſes in high places; over all Thoughts and Imaginations, over all Desire, Will and Affection; theſe are they that ariſe and aſcend with him up unto the Father, and that ſits down in heavenly places with him, at the right hand of God, and that have converſe in Heaven, talks with God as a man talks with his Friend, beholds his face with Joy and great Delight. As thou comeſt hither, thou art come into the Reſtauration indeed, thou haſt found that which was loſt indeed: thou art come from the Eaſt, Weſt, North, and South, and ſate down in the Kingdom with Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob indeed, and art ceaſed from thy own works as God did from his, and art entred into the bleſſed reſt that God hath prepared; all which is possible to him that believes.

XR1311 Therefore let none put the good and evil day afar off, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, and many are living witneſſes of the coming of it, and do enjoy Righteousneſs, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghoſt, in which that Kingdom ſtands. And God is Omnipreſent, and thoſe that enjoy the Light of his Countenance, dwell in Heaven, and are within the Gates thereof; which though they ſtand open, no unclean thing can enter.


A Small
Thoughts and Imginations.

Evil Thoughts and Imaginations, are great troublers of the World of Mankind; and it is a great plague and misery which man is accompanied and ſurrounded with, who is given up to follow and obey his own evil Thoughts and Imaginations; or to walk according to them: It was a ſore judgment pronounced againſt the diſobedient rebellious Jews, in the Word of the Lord by Jeremy, saying, Hear O earth, behold I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts. And the lord by the Prophet Isaiah ſaith, I have ſtretched our my hand all day to a rebellious people which walked in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts, which are thoughts of iniquity. and the aćt of violence {Page 2} is in their hands. Also 'tis written, XR3638 Every thought and imagination of mans heart are only evil, and that continually. And very great is the miſery, bondage, and ſlavery of mankind in this eſtate; he is an enemy to God, and to himself, and to his Neighbour and Brother XR2222 Wasting and destruction are in their paths, who have not God in all their thoughts.

XR1023 Now reader, that which is principally on my mind, is, to ſet before thee a certain infallible way, how thou mayeſt come to be saved from the following or obeying thy own thoughts, and to gain ſtrength againſt, and get victory over all thy imaginations that are evil; and alſo how thou mayeſt come to know every good thought, and deſire, brought into obedience of Chriſt, and every evil thought and imagination deſtroyed and conſumed with the breath of his mouth, and the brightneſs of his appearing.

And when thou art reſtored and brought into the ſame eſtate4 mankind was in before tranſgreſſion, even into the Garden of God, how thou muſt then dreſs and keep the Garden. Thou muſt then watch over, and in the Wiſdom {Page 3} and Power of God, govern thy thoughts, leſt the Serpent beguile thee as he did Eve.

First, XR4337 Thou muſt underſtand that5 the ground evil thoughts and imaginations arise from, is now that which God in the beginning cursed: from this ground ſpring all Bryars, Thorns, and Thiſtles, and other hurtful Weeds in the world of mankind, in whoſe heart they began to spring, grow, and increaſe, even ſo ſoon as he began to loſe his Faith in God his Maker, & incline to hearken to the voice of the Serpent, and give credit to his lyes, which begot a vain thought, from whence a falſe hope ſprung, that they should by eating the forbidden fruit better their conditions, {Page 4} be as Gods according as the Serpent told the Woman (the weaker Veſſel) and by this falſe hope, grounded upon the thoughts and imaginations, entered the firſt tranſgreſſion; then when the temptation was entered into, and ſin committed thoughts and imaginations began to multiply and fill the diſobedient earthly heart of mankind; who having now turned his back upon the heavenly, ſlightned the voice and command of God, who was his Teacher and Lawgiver, and6 lent his ear to the wicked one, and gave up his mind and heart to obey him, even with thoughts it was all for the beſt. Thus poor mankind being deceived with vain thoughts, and falſe hope, loſt his habitation and dwelling place in Paradice; which after he had tranſgreſs'd, he ſtill thought to keep; for he was ſoon convinced he had done amiſs in eating the forbidden Fruit; and fear poſſeſt his heart, when he heard the voice of God in the cool of the day, and therefore ſought means to cover and hide himſelf from the ſight of God: but herein his thoughts were vain, and his endeavours to no purpoſe; the Woman, Man, and Serpent, all received the fruits of their {Page 5} own doings; nothing but life, good, and bleſſing were known before; now death, evil, and curſing the fruit and effect of disobedience (which as I have ſaid, entred firſt by giving place to a vain thought and desire in7 hope to gain and better their eſtate) become the daily companions of mankind, who found, and finds by woful experience, that ſaying true, When ſin is finiſhed it brings forth death.

So man having loſt his place in the Garden which God planted, through neglecting his work which God appointed him to do, which was to dreſs it, and to keep it; for the Garden needed dreſſing and keeping before the forbidden Fruit was eaten, before Innocency was loſt, before ſin was committed, before the Serpent became a Tempter, Devil, and Deſtroyer.

And this ariſeth in my mind to teſtifie to all the wiſe in heart, that after they are come to find that which was loſt, to witneſs a Reſtoration, and Regeneration, and a returning into Eden again, into Innocency again, they {Page 6} have work there to do; Dreſſing and Keeping are two very ſignificant words: this was the buſineſs of mankind in the beginning, in the ſtate of Innocency; if he had not neglected this work, ſlighted the Light, Power, Wiſdom, and Glory of God, with which he was replenished, he had never felt, when the temptation got into a thought, if he had watched in the Light and Wisdom of God; he would have ſeen and diſcovered the tendency of it, and have prevented its coming to a desire and act: But firſt giving8 place to a ſelfish thought, it ſoon ſprang to a hunger or desire, thence into act, (this is the beginning and progreſs of ſin at this day) which mankind in Innocency had, and hath power and wiſdom from God to prevent, if he abide in it, and keep in his watch-tower, the light and strength of God, which is as near him as the temptation can be, and sufficient to preſerve him: and where this work is neglećted, then men, yea, holy men fall, and ſin after the ſimilitude if Adam's Transgreſſion, and are beguiled as the Serpent did Eve, drawn out of Innocency, and a ſinles eſtate after they have attained unto it; therefore let none be high-minded, but fear and take the ſecond Adam {Page 7} for example, who when he was tempted, did not hunger or deſire after the things preſented, though very ſpicious in appearance, and accompanied with very large promiſes; even as the firſt Adam had: but 'tis written, while the temptation laſted he eat nothing; he let nothing in, and gave no place to ſelfiſh thoughts, and enticements of the enemy: ſo when the temptation was over, Angels miniſtered unto him: Let this be the example of all the Children of Light, and as they do thereafter, the powerful ſalvation of God ſhall ſurround them and neither heights nor depths, Angels, Principalities, nor Powers, things preſent, or things to come, ſhall be able to ſeparate them from the love of God in Chriſt Jeſus. This is as a word by the way.

Now evil thoughts and imaginations9 are of a multiplying nature, and do mainly increaſe and take root in the generality of mankind; who, through evil works are estranged from the life of God, remaining a degenerated plant, ſprang from the ſeed of the evil doer, and dwells and labours in that ground which God hath curſed, and knows not the ſeed of the Woman to bruiſe the Serpents head, and to redeem and preſerve {Page 8} him from following and obeying his own thoughts and imaginations, which are evil, and that continually. And indeed in that ſtate can be no otherwiſe, whether they lead into ſelf ſinning, or ſelf-righteouſneſs, both are an abomination to the Lord, and destructive to the well-being of mankind, both temporal and eternal: for all the wickedneſs that hath been brought forth and aćted in the world ſince the beginning, began or appeared firſt in the thought; and the thought being cherished and joyned to by the mind, will, and underſtanding, it increaſed and increaſeth into words and aćtions. That which is clean cannot proceed from that which is unclean; the heart of mankind in the fall is univerſally corrupted, and deſperate wicked; and, as hath been ſaid, the thoughts and imaginations thereof are evil, and that continually: And before it can be otherwiſe, there is an abſolute neceſſity that every particular man and woman muſt know and experience: for, and in themselves, their hearts cleanſed, purged, and purified, and created anew, the ground muſt be made good, before the ſeed, the heavenly thoughts, and meditations can arie, ſpring, and remain therein. And when this eſtate is known, {Page 9} witneſſed; and enjoyed, then to abide with him, dwell and walk with him, who hath wrought theſe mighty things in thee, and for thee, and in his wiſdom and power to dreſs and keep the Garden, the Heart, with all diligence, that that which would defile enter not again, creep in again, as it did in the beginning (which is possible.) Therefore what the Spirit of God put man upon in the beginning when he was a noble plant10Eden, wholly a right ſeed, viz. to dreſs and keep the Garden, ſo the Spirit of God now in this age ſaith to the Diſciples thereof; Watch and pray, leſt ye enter into temptations; (take heed) leſt as the Serpent beguiled Eve through his ſubtilty, ſo your minds ſhould be corrupted from the ſimplicity that is in Chriſt.

Now this I teſtifie from certain knowledge, that God hath ordained means whereby mankind, whoſe heart is ſo corrupted, that nothing that is good proceeds out of it, neither any thing that is heavenly, and of God ſprings up in it, that can live a moment, being ſo foul and ſo dark, (even like a foul {Page 10} dark piece of earth outwardly, on which the Sun never ſhines, nor the rain falls) that man in this miſerable ſtate may come to know and experience his foul heart cleanſed, purged, and ſanćtified, as the Chriſtians in the Primitive times did11Such were ſome of you, but now are you wasſhed, cleanſed, and ſanćtified, &c. the fallow ground may be plowed up, and bear ſeed, and the wilderneſs may become a fruitful field, and ſtreams may break forth in the deſart, and the deſart may come to rejoyce, and to bloßom as a Rose; crooked things may be made ſtreight, and rough places ſmooth; and great heavy dark high Mountains may be brought down and removed; yea, (melted at the preſence of God) and the low valleys may be exalted; yea the wilderneſs may become like Eden, and the deſart like the garden of the Lord All theſe mighty works and wonders hath the Lord wrought in this age, in and for a remnant, who are come to the fulfilling of the Propheſe, are living {Page 11} witneſſes of the ſame, and do in his Holy Spirit, and Power, proclaim that the love and mercy of God towards loſt man is universal, and that his hand is ſtretched12one thing needful, without which all men are miſerable, let their knowedge, wiſdom, and profession of Religion, Opinion, and Invention be what it will.

Therefore my mind is in good will to mankind, having received knowledge and {Page 12} underſtanding of the means God hath ordained for the good and ſalvation of mankind: And being ſomething acquainted with the two great myſteries of Godlineſe & Iniquity, and the way and working of each, to impart and ſignifie ſomething of the ſame in a few words, to inſtruct and inform thoſe to whom this my teſtimony may come, how they may attain thereunto, and how they may come to be rid of thoſe troubleſome companions (viz.) Evil Thoughts and Imaginations that do, may, or ſhall ariſe in their hearts, while corrupted; and how the ſame may be purified and made a holy habitation for God, as it was before ſin entred, before Innocency was loſt, before the Serpent deceived the weaker veſſel, when all was good, yea very good.

The way that leadeth thereto, I affirm and declare to be as followeth; and whoever thou art that haſt a mind or deſire to find that which is loſt, obſerve, believe, and receive what I ſay or write, as Truth; not received or learned by Tradition, but XR3186 by the experimental powerful work and operation of the Spirit of Truth in my own Heart, Mind, and Conscience: and what I have ſaid, or ſhall ſay, is, and ſhall be according to the Holy Scriptures, and witneſſed to by them; for I cannot write contrary to them, being in {Page 13} unity with them, & with the just mens spirits that wrote them. First then know thou, O man, whoever thou art, and whatever thy thoughts and imaginations are, how far ſoever thou art run into corruption, darkneſs, and degeneration from the ſtate of innocency, purity and holineſs; yet there is a meaſure of Divine Light attends thee; though thou art darkneſs it ſhines in thee, in order to ſhow thee thy way out of it; though thou art degenerated and run from God into the earth, yet this pure light & Spirit of God follows thee, and calls thee back again; and thou mayſt in this ſtate hear it as a voice behind thee, ſaying, Return, return, this is the way, come and walk in it; this is the kindneſs and love of God to thee in his Son, who is the light of the world, and ligheth every one that cometh thereinto;13Jeruſalem, and gives light to the ſides of the earth, and corners of the world, from whom the ſhadow of death cannot hide, nor the Rocks and Mountains cover or defend; for he that formeth the Mountains, and createth the winds, and declareth or ſheweth unto man what is his thought, that maketh the morning darkneſs, and treadeth upon the high places of the earth, the Lord, the God of Hoſts is his name. This is the Spirit of truth that convinceth the world of ſin, and that ſets men ſins in order before them, and reproves and ſmites in secret for evil, and that brings to judgment the hidden things of Esau; from this eye or light of the Lord thou canſt not hide thy ſelf no more than Adam and Cain could, though thou ſhouldeth hate the light {Page 15} (which ſheweth thee thy thoughts) and1415condemnation of the world, that light is come into it, and men love darkneſs rather, becauſe their deeds are evil.

Now as the firſt ſtep towards reſtoration and everlaſting happineſs, thou art required1617XR3701 thou wilt be enabled by it to divide betwixt thought and thought, and begin to make conſcience of a thought, and to hate every vain thought; and when thou canſt not be eaſily rid of them, nor remove them from their old lodging-place, thou wilt breath and cry to the Lord in the Spirit, as one of old did, who was burthened and oppreſſed with their company: Search me and try me, O God, and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, and ſee if there be any wicked way in me, and {Page 17} lead me in the way everlaſting. This is the cry which the Lord hears, and will anſwer in due and needful time. And Jeremiah's cry to Jeru∫alem was, Waſh thy heart from wickedneſs, that thou mayeſt be saved, how long ∫hall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee? XR2180 Now the only way to diſlodge them, and to be rid of their company, is to ſhew18keep thy mind exerciſed in the light and power of God, that it is turned to; and not in thy thoughts, and imaginations, give them no regard; and though they do and may ariſe, purſue and compaſs thee about like Bees, yet thou keeping thy eye fixed in the light and power of God, which is as nigh thee as thy thoughts are, and ſheweth them unto thee, thou wilt ſee them in due time ſcattered as chaſt before a fierce wind, and detroyed as ſtubble before a devouring fire.

XR1689 Now as thou comeſt to be a believer in the light, and to truſt in the power of God to which thy mind is turned, thou wilt become in very deed a child of it, and ſoon be able to ſay, darkneſs is paſt, and the true light now {Page 18} ſhineth, by which thou canſt ſee and judge every thought and motion that ariſeth and ſtirreth in thy mind, whether evil or innocent, hurtful or harmleſs, and have wiſdom to order them accordingly. And this is the primitive wiſdom mankind had in the beginning, but he abide not in it, through looking at the temptation19good for food, pleaſant and deſirable,20, and able to make one wiſe, before ſhe eat, or gave too her Huſband21Paul ſaith, the woman being deceived, was in the transgreſſion ſubjećted to vanity; not {Page 19} willingly, but through hope; ſhe hoped to find the Serpents words true, and to become more wiſe, and more happy, by taking the Serpents counſel; but inſtead thereof, fell into the depth of miſery: the ſame danger attends the Children of light, the Sons and Daughters of God, (for Adam was a Son of God before Transgreſſion)22Adam and Eve did, and to ſin after the ſimilitude of Adam's Transgreſſion, and to loſe innocency, purity, holineſs and uprightneſs as they did, (and be driven out of the Garden of God, as they were.) Such as were never in it, nor ever dwelt in the ſtate of reſtoration, innocency, purity, and holineſs, cannot be ſaid to fall from, or loſe it, &c. Children of Darkneſs, and children of the Devil, who have gone aſtray from that womb, and always dwelt in darkneſ, end in the region and shadow of death, never knew what a harmleſs innocent eſtate is, what the life of purity and holineſs is, {Page 20} nor what the ſimplicity of the Gospel and Chriſt is, ſo cannot be beguiled as the Serpent did Eve, of that they never knew, nor had (as men and women now in the world) yet ſuch are beguiled by the Serpent in another ſort; not of what they have had, and did once enjoy: And this he effećts by keeping the eyes and minds of people abroad, and by perſwading23Light, Word, Power,and Spirit of God, which ſhines, which ſpeaks, which works in man, in order to lead, to teach, to guide and direćt him into the way of life, and ſalvation, and to bring him into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God, into a perfećt tranſlation from darkneſs to light, and from the Kingdom and power of Satan, to the Kingdom and power of the Son of God, and to know Chrſt made unto him Wiſdom, Sanćtification, and Redemption.

This is the bleſſed end of God in ſending his Son a light into the world even to enlighten24XR2518 where they did not ſpeak their own words, nor think their own thoughts, nor do their own works, their heavenly Father ſpake in them, and their thoughts were thoughts of God, and he wrought all their works in them and for them. This is a bleſſed ſtate indeed, and none are entred into the reſt which God hath prepared, but ſuch as are come to witneſs and experience theſe things now in this age, as the Primitive Chriſtians did in ages paſt.

XR4634 For while any are found thinking their own thoughts, ſpeaking their own words, and doing their own works (though under at profeſſion of Chriſt and Chriſtianity) they cannot enter into the reſt which God hath prepared, though they may create to themſelves falſe reſts , and kindle a fire, and walk by the light of their own ſparks, but in the end lie down in ſorrow.

True reſt and peace is obtained, or comes through a true ſelf-denial: a dying to ſelf-ſinning, and ſelf righteousneſs, ſelf-thinking, and ſelf-working, contriving and inventing, ſelf-wiſdom, knowledge, and understanding also; all theſe things muſt be denied, annihilated or {Page 22} brought to nothing, and confounded: the feeding25

Now thou who art a child of light, underſtand this one thing for thy comfort and encouragement in thy warfare againſt evil thoughts; that notwithſtanding multitude of thoughts do ariſe in thee, and troops thereof attend thee, which are in themſelves ſinful; yet if thou joyn not with them in thy mind, will, and underſtanding, they are not thy thoughts, neither ſhall the evil thereof be imputed unto the, if thou loveſt the light, and keepeſt thy mind joyned to the Spirit of God, or appearance of Chriſt in thee, that diſcovereth all temptations unto thee, in the very thought, and firſt appearance of them; then thou art helping the Lord againſt the mighty; being joyned unto him, art become one with him in thy mind {Page 23} and spirit (though in thy members there is a law, a power that wars againſt thee) and as thou abideſt with the Lord, waiting upon him, even as the eye of a Maid waits upon the hand of her Miſtreſs; he will save and deliver thee and subdue all thy enemies, even thoſe of thy own houſe, which are the greateſt enemies.

Though temptations may, and will attend thee, yet it is no ſin to be tempted, though with inward temptations; neither art thou to account thy ſelf, nor to be accounted a ſinner, becauſe ſin and vain thoughts may preſent themelves in thee, in thy warfare eſtate, yet thou mayeſt ſay as Paul did, It is no more I, but ſin that dwelleth in me; and that in me, that is in me fleſh dwells no good thing: which fleſh thou art now in the way to know withers as the graſs26Saviour, thy light, thy way, thy Captain, whom thou wilt ſee go before thee conquering, and to conquer, till all his and thy enemies are ſubdued, brought under, and deſtroyed, and thou made as a King, as a Priest to God27Moses, stronger than Sampſon, wiſer than Solomon, and more patient than Job; as thy elder brother was, and as the Primitive Chriſtians were, who could ſay, as he is, ∫o are we in this pre∫ent world, pure as he is pure, holy as he is holy, righteous as he is righteous, harmleſs and innocent as he was and in all reſigned up unto the will of God: not my will (ſaid the ſecond Adam) but thine, though his will was as innocent and harmleſs as the firſt Adams was before the fall and did excel: when thou comeſt up hither, thou wilt underſtand and receive what I ſay, till then it will be as a myſtery and hard ſaying to thee.

XR3873 And in thy way take heed of thinking, willing, and running, that obtains not the prize, ſtand ſtill and ſee the ſalvation of God; {Page 25} mind above all, the arm of his power in thee, which is able to ſuppreſs thy thoughts, mortifie thy will, ſtop thy running, and give thee perfećt ſtrength to reſiſt the Devil, and make him flee, and to furniſh thee to every good word and work, and give thee dominion over thy own ſpirit, whoſe property is to be ∫wift in thoughts, eager in de∫ire, and re∫tle∫s in accomplishment thereof.

Now it is written, he that hath rule over his own ∫pirit is ∫tronger than he that rules a City; and he that hath no rule over his own ∫pirit is like a City broken down, and without walls: when the righteous bears rule, the land rejoyceth28 Theſe things are infallibly true, while the uſurper keeps the throne, the Prince of Peace and his peaceable government is not known. Tribulation and anquish comes upon every ſoul of man that doth evil, that thinketh and imagineth evil29he that commits ∫in is of the Devil: and without returning from it, a finiſhing or ending of it, and righteouſneſs ſet up in the room thereof, will (with the Devil) have the wages and reward of the ſame, and poſſeſs the fruit of their own thoughts and doings.

Now it is a heavenly eſtate to live under the government of Chriſt, to know and experience him, ſwaying the Scepter in the heart, and eſtabliſhed in the throne thereof: but this none comes to enjoy, till they have firſt known him to ſit as a Refiner, with fire; and as a Fuller with ſoap; and as a Spirit of judgment and burning; and as the ſtronger man to diſpoſſeſs the ſtrong man, ſpoil all his goods, ſweep and cleanſe the house, and to firniſh it again with heavenly goods, with heavenly thoughts with heavenly desires and meditations, and all things elſe that becomes the houſe of the Lord: Holineſs to the Lord was written or engraven upon the Crown and Plate of Gold, and all the furniture of the outward Temple was ſanćtified, of which this is the anti-tipe, or ſubſtance; as he that enjoys it well knows.

XR1778 And now it is the duty of a Chriſtian to watch in the light againſt evil thoughts, and to use the axe of God, which is laid to the root of them, that their ſpringing again may {Page 27} be hindered, and the end of them prevented; ſo alſo it is the duty of every one, when good thoughts and deſires springs in the room thereof, to cheriſh them, to joyn with them and to keep their eye unto the Lord that begat them, or raiſed them up in the heart: and so they may be called Gods thoughts, being of his own bringing forth, of his own begetting; being thoughts of purity, thoughts of peace and righteouſneſs, thoughts of holineſs and joy in the inward man, which thoughts thou of thy ſelf cannot think; theſe are comfortable thoughts30; ſo that ſuch can ſay as David once did, How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God, how great is the ∫um of them? if I should count them they are more in number than the ∫and; when I awake I am ∫till with thee. As thou loveſt the light, and delighteſt in the Law of God, and meditates therein, thoſe good thoughts will multiply, and increaſe in thee, to thy great content and ſatisfaction: But the thoughts of the wicked {Page 28} are ſin31Bel∫hazzar was ſo much troubled with his thoughts, that his countenace was changed, and the joynts of his loins were loo∫ed, and his knees ſmote together, Dan. 5.6. Many are the amazing, ſcaring, tormenting thoughts that attends the wicked, who∫e feet run to do evil, and make ha∫te to ∫hed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity,wa∫ting and de∫truction are in their paths; the way of peace they know not, and there is no judgment in their goings, &c. Iſa. 59. 7,8.

Now the thoughts of the righteous are right, and tho∫e that commit their way to the Lord, their thoughts ∫hall be e∫tabli∫hed: And that's a bleſſed ſtate indeed, to have good thoughts eſtabliſhed in the heart, in the mind3233Adam and others did, mentioned in the holy Scriptures, which are written for our learning and admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come, 1Cor. 10,11. therefore let him that thinketh he ∫tands, take heed le∫t he fall.

Concerning the Life, State, and Enjoyment of a True Chri∫tian.

XR1939 The life of a Chriſtian, of an Iſraelite indeed, in whom is no guile, is a life of innocency, peace, and content; quietneſs and true ſatisfaction abounds in the inward man, he is always doing well, ſo none can harm him; he always lives in the fear of God, which taught him to depart from iniquity34Soloman in all his widom and glory wanted, or was not arrayed with: if he hath Wife or Children, Houſe or Land, or the increaſe of Corn, Wine and Oyl, he looks upon them as things below, ſo doth not ſet his heart and affećtion upon them; he looks {Page 31} upon them as they are and loves them in their places, but not more than Christ: he loves the Lord above all, he loves to keep his Conſcience void of offence towards God, and towards man above all; and if he cannot enjoy his Eſtate and Relations according to the will of God, he is ready, and willing to part with them, and can ſay as Job did, The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away; bleßed be the name of the Lord. He is not afraid of evil tydings, the ruffling of the winds, and the roaring of the Sea, doth not amaze nor affright him, he lives the life of Faith, which gives him vićtory, and enables him to overcome all things35is and ∫hall be revealed in him36I∫a. 40.17. P∫al. 62.9. having found the precious pearl (which the ſwine regard not) he is willing to part with all for it, knowing the wonderful vertue, riches, and power thereof, bids adieu to all the fading treaſures, and pleaſures of Egypt; chuſing rather to ſuffer affliction and perſecution for righteouſneſs ſake, than to enjoy the Court pleaſures of Princes; and he is a great gainer hereby, even in this life, on this ſide the grave, a hundred fold: he finds by experience that ſaying true, Cudlint∫s with content is great gain, and is profitable unto all things, having the promi∫e of the life that now is, and that which is to come, 1Tim. 4.6.

So though the true Chriſtian ſeems in the judgment of the wiſe in their own conceit, to loſe the enjoyment of his life, honour, riches, profit, pleaſure, preferment, relations37&c. inſtead thereof he finds them all; and in the true ſelf-denial enjoys them all and is able to ſay as Paul did to the Corinthians, ſpeaking of himſelf and other Chriſtians, as ∫orrowful, yet always rejoycing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet be content in all e∫tates and conditions38&c. And where there is true content, there is no want, no poverty, no ſorrow, but what is turned into plenty, riches, and rejoycing. In ſum, the true Christian hath found the ſtone of the wiſe men, (or the univerſal tinćture) or medicine which cureth all inward diſeaſes39

True life, riches, and enjoyment of a Chriſtian is inward and hidden; his life is hid with Christ in God, none knoweth it but he that hath it; his converſation is with God in Heaven, and his treaſure is laid up where he walk and dwells, and where he ſits in {Page 35} heavenly places with his Saviour Christ Jesus, who is made unto him wiſdom, righteouſneſs, ſanctification and redemption, and not only ſo but he is come to ſee what is the fellowſhip of the Myſtery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God: he is come to know the Lord one, and his one, to the one Body, one Spirit, one Truth, one Life, one God and Father of all, who is above all, through all, and in all. XR2826 This is the bleſſed endof all appearances, manifestations, and dispenſations, under all the variety of names, and various workings of the one eternal God towards mankind ever ſince the fall, mentioned throughout the Holy Scriptures, and witneſſed to by the true Chriſtian, who really enjoys the end of Paul's bowing his knees, 40Ephe∫. 3.

Now when the true Chriſtian hath travelled through the multiplicity into unity, through the various diſpenſations, operations, and workings of the Spirit of God before the Law, under the Law, through the Law, to {Page 36} the Prophets, and to the miniſtrations of John, and ſo to Jesus the Son of Abraham, David, and Mary, and hath 4142Adammade, as a quickening Spirit, and the Lord from Heaven; as a King, Prieſt, and Prophet, as a Saviour, Sanćtifier, and Redeemer; as a Purifier and maker an end of ſin, and bringer in of everlaſting Righteouſneſs; and as a High Prieſt to preſent to God without ſpot or wrinkle, or any such thing: when he is thus known to perform all theſe offices in and for his people, he is then by such known to ſit down at the right hand of God, having accompliſhed the work the Father gave him to do, having put [Page 37] all things under, and reſtored all things into their primitive order4344XR2649 I ſay reſt with him, in a pure cœleſtial ſtillneſs, from all ſelf-working, willing, running, and thinking; and though an innocency, or innocent ſelf be attained unto, and a harmleſs will known, yet that muſt not aćt, work, will, run and think of it ſelf, as the true Chriſtian (who hath travelled and experienced as before hinted) knows right well; being always of his elder brothers mind and frame of spirit, ſaying to his Father, Not my will, but thine: Herein he receives widom to dreſs and keep the Garden, power and ſtrength to reſiſt and over come the Serpent in Paradice, and the Dragon in Heaven, and to keep his habitqtion in the heavenly City Jerusalem, which comes down from God out of Heaven, whoſe walls are ſalvation, and {Page 38} whoſe gates are praiſe for ever and evermore.

Concerning the Worship of a Chriſtian, or the Chriſtian Worhip what it ∫tands in, and how it is performed.

XR3165 There is a great conteſt in Chriſtiandom among the diverſe Sećts and bare profeſſions of Chriſtianity about Worhip; and many are the Modes, Manners, Forms, and Ceremonies that are cried up among them; every Sećt conceiving, imagining and ſupoſing his Way, Manner, and Faſhion to be right, &c. all being full of Diſpute, Contention, and quarrelling one with another about them, when they are all but of their own deviſing, forms and images of their own making; moſtly from the example of Jews, Gentiles, and Apotate Chriſtians; and are not led thereto, nor guided therein by the unerring Spirit of God; as their fruits make fully manifeſt to the great ſcandal of the Chriſtian Religion.

Now the true Chriſtians Worſhip is in the Spirit, and in the Truth, not in the Letter, {Page 39} nor in the Form, barely, but was before all Letters, and outward Laws and Preſcriptions were, before all inventions were, before all errors, and the ſpirit of them was: This was the Worſhip in Paradice; when mankind neglećted this worſhip he fell into evil, into invention, into error, which was the cause of the outward Law45Jeru∫alem, and Temple Worſhip which ſtood in divers bodily exerciſes, outward works and ſervices, {Page 40} variety of Offerings, observing of Times, Days, Months, Years, Meats, Drinks, outward Waſhings, and Purifications, New Moons, Faſts, Feaſts, ſolemn Meetings, and general Assemblies once a Year at Jeru∫alem; all theſe things were but ſhadows and typical: and this is the antitipe and ſubstance46Spirit, in the Truth, to Mount Sion, the City of the living God, the heavenly Jeru∫alem; and to come to the general A∫∫embly and Church of the firſt-born, written in Heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and the ∫pirits of the ju∫t men made perfect, &c. and to know the heavenly City that comes down from God out of Heaven, even Jeru∫alem the Mother of all the living Citizens thereof, whoſe Law and Covenant is ſpiritual , and writ in their hearts; whoſe love, fear, and obedience to God, is engraven in their inward parts: and from hence ariſeth the true Worship in the Spirit, and in the Truth.

And this is the Worſhip the Primitive Chriſtians came to, and were exerciſed in, they prayed in the Spirit, not at any ſet time, or appointed place only, but at all times, and in all places, according to the Exhortations, {Page 41} pray always, pray continually, pray without ceaſing, I will that men pray every where, lift up holy hands without wrath or doubting, always breathing to the Lord in the Spirit, though never a word be uttered; in the cloſet, when the doos is ſhut, the Lord heareth, and anſwereth this Prayer: and many times they were, and are alſo led forth to pray in words publickly, but moſtly for the ſake of others, and in the behalf of others, as Chriſt did.

The true Chriſtian is alſo a preacher of Righteouſneſs, not only in Words, Sentences, and long Sermons, at set times, and appointed places, but in life and converſation47

A true Chriſtians ſinging or rejoycing is alſo in the Spirit, and in the Truth, (and not in iniquity) and with a good underſanding; he needs no art nor invention to bring words into Meeter or Rhime, that they {Page 42} may make a pleaſant ſound, and a joyful noiſe; his Muſick48David) nor delight in the ſounds thereof. Where this heart-melody is loſt, the outward invented muſick is ſet up, among Jews, Gentiles, and Apoſtate Chriſtians; for the true Chriſtian is come to know Chriſt Jeſus, as Prince of Peace, as a peaceable Saviour, as the Conſolation of Iſrael, and joy of generations; as a giver of peace, which the world cannot give nor take away, which far ſurpaſſeth all the delights of the ſons of men, which by nature, art, and invention they can attain unto.

Now the Spirit of God is universal, and the Truth is universal, and the true Chriſtian Worſhip that ſtands in it, is alſo (to be) {Page 43} universal that is, at all times, and in all places; not only when people meet together in a solemn manner to wait together upon God and to hear his word preached, and to hear a Prayer, Pſalm, Song, or Hymn, even from his own pure motion and Spirit, one hour in ſeven, or one day in ſeven49XR4106 but every hour, and every day, bowing in ſpirit, worſhipping in the Truth, which makes free from all error, from all evil, from all vain obſervations, literal tradition, and humane inventions about the Worship of God, from all carnal Ordinances, as Muſicks, Meats, Drinks, Waſhings, Feaſts, Faſts, Days, and Times, which ends, vaniſheth, or periſheth with the uſing (though holy and ſignificant in their firſt inſtitution) theſe things are not to be touched, nor traſted, no nor ſo much as handled by the true Chriſtian; theſe things are but beggerly elements and worldly rudiments which had a beginning, and muſt have an end.

And the roof or cauſe of a Chriſtian, which is Chriſt, is the end of the Law, and all the {Page 44} types and ſhadows of it, and fulfils all the righteouſneſs of it, of the Prophets, and of John alſo, and is a bringer in of a better hope, a better Law, a better Covenant, a better Worſhip; which Hope, Law, Covenant and Worſhip is inward, and ſpiritual, and not outward, and carnal, formal nor traditional; and all that are come to this worſhip in the Spirit, and in the Truth, which is one pure eternal principle of light, life, and power, and have their hearts tendred by it, and their minds exerciſed in it, their thoughts and meditations guided by it, they50viz. the Grace and Spirit of God: and though they have diverſity of gifts, and are attained to different degrees of Faith51Chriſt, the Unćtion, the Annointing is the Head and Teacher, &c.

This heavenly unity is the antitype of the Seamleſs Coat of Chriſt, wove from top to bottom (which the Soldiers did not rend, tear, or divide, but caſt lots for) and of that Law that forbade weaving linnen and woollen together, and ſowing mingled ſeed.

Now there is no unity, no agreement, no concord betwixt light and darkneſs, ſin and righteouſneſs, (Chriſt and Belial) theſe things of a different and contrary nature cannot unite, cannot agree, though they are nigh to each other, ſowen in one field. God hath ſowen a good ſeed in the field of mankind, the enemy hath ſown an evil ſeed, and in many it hath taken root, and sprang up above the good ſeed, even among thoſe profeſſing Chriſtianity it ſelf; and from hence ariſeth and groweth all the evil will, envy, hatred, ſtrife, cruelty, violence, blood shed wars, and murthers, in whole Chriſtiandom, and till the head of this evil ſeed be not only {Page 46} bruiſed, by the promied ſed which God hath ſowed, but rooted out alſo of the heart of man, all theſe things will grow up; theſe evil effećts can never ceasſe till the cauſe be removed, and taken away, as the true Chriſtian knoweth right well by experience.

Now the Chriſtians indeed, as they live and abide in the pure eternal principle of Light, Life, Spirit, and Truth, they have unity one with another, and fellowſhip with God; they are the brethren whoſe living together in unity is comely to behold, who have the one mind, one heart, one ſoul, and have their minds, hearts, and ſouls always governed, ruled, and ordered by the good Spirit of God: as every one lives and keeps this order, and under this heavenly government they cannot chuſe but live together in unity, in love, in good will, in peace, heavenly concord, and agreement, every one within himſelf, with God, and with each other and in love to all mankind: here is the end of ſtrife, wars, and fightings52Iſaiah, that Evangelical Prophet. Here Jeru∫alem is known a quiet habitation, the inhabitants thereof being eſtablished in peace and righteouſneſs, far from oppreſſion (the cauſe of War and Oppreſſion being taken away, which is evil thinking, evil speaking, and evil doing; and this every one muſt know and experience before they can be eſtablished in peace, before they can know the peace of God which paſſeth all underſtanding, to keep their hearts and minds, and to rule in their hearts, and to know the aboundings of it, and to delight therein; as it is53the meek ∫hall inherit the earth, and delight them∫elves in the abundance of peace; the earth, nor earthly things ſhall not inherit them; they tread upon the high places of it, and reign like Kings and Princes over all the glory thereof. Oh! this is a bleſſed ſtate54


{Page 49} A few Words added to the ∫en∫ible Reader.

Thou who are awakened out of the ſleep of death, and riſen out of the grave of ſin, and ſea of corruption, and art came to the exerciſe of thy ſpiritual ſenſes, ſo that thou canſt hear, ſee, and taſte, and handle the things of God, thou well knoweſt that the bleſſed end of all holy mens words and writings, teſtimonies and declarations, proceeding from the love of God is, that others that are yet unholy, wandering about in and after the vanity of their own minds, thoughts, and imaginations upon the barren Mountains; even as ſheep without a Shepherd, may come to be gathered and brought home to the fold of reſt, where ſafety, peace, and ſatisfaćtion is to be found for their weary ſouls, who have long wandered in deſolate places, ſeeking reſt, but finding none; ſpending their time, labour, and money for that which doth not profit, feed, and nouriſh up unto eternal life. I ſay, to direćt theſe ſtrangers, wanderers, labourers, and unſatisfied travellers into the way of reſt and peace, is the bleſſed end of all {Page 50} words and holy Writings, even that ſuch may come to poſſeſs, enjoy, and inherit the things ſpoken, and written of; without which, all hearing, reading, ſeeking, enquiring, toiling, labouring, ſpending time and money is to no purpoſe.

Now it is the mind, the ſoul, the ſpirit of man that wants reſt, that is gone from its center, that hath loſt it ſtay, habitation, and dwelling-place in God; and innumerable are the thoughts, imaginations, devices and inventions, willings, and runnings, that poor mankind in this eſtate is exercised in, and carried away with both Jew and Gentile, Profeſſor and Prophane upon the face of the whole earth: For in all Sećts and ſorts of Religions, thoſe who are ſincere and devout therein, propoſe this end to themſelves in the exerciſe thereof, viz. to attain a ſtate of happineſs and felicity at laſt: Many are the ways, means, and precepts, preſcriptions, direćtions, and observations, that men give and receive from one the other, enjoyn and perſwade one the other, and ſometimes compel one another by violence, to walk in, and make uſe of, in order to arrive thereto, as they think and imagine; but it is in this age; as of old, the guides and teachers of the people cauſe them to err, cauſe them to go aſstray, and wander from the right way {Page 51} of the Lord, they were in viſion, judgment, and underſtanding themſelves, and cauſe all that follow and obey them to do the ſame being unskilful guides, and blind, and ſo both fall into the ditch together.

Now the way to everlaſting happineſs is but one, both to Jew and Gentile, which way is Chriſt, who is the wiſdom and Power of God, the Truth, and the Life; and XR3059 the appearance of this Chriſt, of God, is within men, in their hearts: its firſt appearance is as a light ſhining in darkneſs, and as a pure ſpotleſs Spirit, that conſenteth to no evil, but reproveth and convinceth all that are found in it; and to this Light or Spirit, all who write or ſpeak for God, and the good of mankind, do turn and direćt the minds of men, and endeavour to perſwade them to give regard unto its reproofs of inſtruction, as being the way to life, and to obey its counſel and teaching, as the only means of ſalvation, and way of returning to the rock from whence they were hewen, and to the hole of the pit whence they were digged, to their habitation and dwelling place in God again; and many thouſands in this Iſland and other places, can give teſtimony that this is the only way and means God hath ordained for the recovery, return, and {Page 51} reſtoration of loſt man; and that all other ways and means which they had been wearying themſelves in, availed nothing; but walking in this heavenly way, the Light, the Spirit, and Grace of God within, and learning of the annointing within, they come to witneſs ſalvation came to their houſe, and to ſurround them as walls and bulwarks, and to witneſs the fulfilling of that Divine Propheſie, My people ∫hall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in ∫ure dwellings, and in quiet re∫ting-places. The eye of them that ∫ee ∫hall not be dim, the ear of them that hear ∫hall hearken, the heart al∫o if the ra∫h ∫hall under∫tand knowledge, and the tongue of the ∫tammerer ∫hall be ready to ∫peak plainly55Theſe are the bleſſed effećts of walking in the way and paths of righteouſneſs, which a remnant are living witneſſes of, and can praiſe and magnifie the name of the Lord in the ſenſe therof.

XR2771 But none comes to enjoy this bleſſed eſtate, nor inhabit this heavnly dwelling-place, but as their minds comes truly to be exerciſed by and in the Light of the Lord, and that by walking and abiding therein, come to have their minds establiſhed, ſettled, and ſtayed upon him, who is indeed the alone ſtay of his people, and rock of his inheritance.

{Page 52} And nothing can be found in the heavens above, nor in the earth beneath, that is able to ſatisfie or ſtay the mind of man, but the Lord, the mind or ſoul of man is more noble, more excellent than all viſible things, ſo they are not all capable to fill or ſatisfie his ſoul, or ſtay his mind, though he might poſſeſs or have the whole world to himſelf, yet in the end will be made to cry out and confeſs, with the Preacher of old, Vanity of vanity, all is vanity and vexation of ∫pirit, &c. Eccleſ. 1. But to have the mind ſtayed upon the Lord, there us pleaſure, peace, and content, truly found and enjoyed, according to the teſtimony of the Divine Prophet I∫aiah who ſaid, ſpeaking in the name of the Lord, Thou wilt keep him in perfećt peace who∫e mind is ∫taid upon thee. XR2254 This is ſuch a truth, that none knoweth but he that hath it; it may be ſoon writ, read, or ſpoken, but to enjoy that eſtate is more than words, it is the end, ſum, and ſubſtance if all that can be ſaid or done, and is the reward of the righteous from the immediate hand of God, viz. to be kept in perfećt peace: It's the end of all holy breathings and deſires, it the end of the Preaching the Gospel of Peace and Salvations, even to know, and feel, and experience the peace of God to keep the heart, and to keep the mind, and to rule there.

This is a bleſſed ſtate indeed, worthy to be waited for, and preſſed after, by all that have a ſight, a ſence thereof, and are in the way that leadeth thereto though not yet arrived thereat; go forward in the name of the Lord, even in that name Light, by which he hath made himſelf known unto us in this age, by which Light thou ſaweſt the wandering, and unſtableneſs of thy mind, and the multitude of thy thoughts, imaginations, and inventions; perſevere in the ſame and thou wilt become not only a child of it, but alſo grow from a Childs eſtate, to the ſtate of a young Man, Elder, and Father; keeping the Faith, and firmly believing, that which ſheweth thee the wandering and unſtablenneſs of thy mind, will be as a Shepherds Crook unto thee, and in due time will bring thee back into the fold of reſt: and, that that holy Light that diſcovers, and ſheweth unto thee thy thoughts, and inward enemies, will alſo by the brightness of its ariſing, diſperſe and deſtroy them for thee, and bring thee into that eſtate thy ſoul deſcrieth, panteth, and looketh after, even into the presence of the Lord, where the fulneſs of Joy is, and where the rivers of pleaſures run; where the reaping and returning with joy is, where the ſinging for joy of heart is, and the joy of Gods ſalvation felt, {Page 53} the ...

  1. As thou comeſt into the Image of God again, thou wilt ſubdue the earthly image, have dominion over thy own thoughts, government over thy will, desire, and affections: This is the Primitive power Mankind was endued withal; for the nature of the whole Creation is in Man; and he that hath perfećt dominion or rule over himſelf, all things elſe are under his feet; where this is wanting diſorder and confuſion abounds, being subjećt to that Spirit that leads even nature it ſelf out of courſe. Gen 1.27,28.
  2. To believe and obey the Spirit of God which he hath ſent into the world, placed in mens hearts, which convinceth and reproveth for Sin, is the only way & means which God hath ordained for the reſtauration, life, and ſalvation, of Mankind, and is indeed the Christ of God, which in Scripture hath many names, but is but one pure eternal holy thing.
  3. While men live in the flesh, they cannot pleaſe God; but its poſſible to be dead thereto and live in the Spirit on this ſide the Grave.
  4. Evil thoughts muſt be conſumed, and good thoughts must be subjećt and obedient to Chriſt.
  5. Many in their carnal thoughts and imaginations conceive and affirm that it was the outward Earth God curſed, and that it would have brought forth no bryars, throns, nor thiſtles (which are good Creature in their places) if man had not ſinned, ſuch thoughts art vain and fooliſh, for all Creatures of God are good, the Fire and Air, Earth and Water, Sun, Moon, and Stars, and all the produćt of them, and they all ſtand and remain in the bleſſing, and keep their place, ſtate, and order according to the will of God, and are obedient unto him, and he is the upholder thereof by the word of his power.
  6. How man loſt his ſtate at firſt, Let thoſe that are reſtored thereto again, take warning thereby, for the ſame temptation & danger attends.
  7. Wicked men and ſinners of theſe times and ages of the world, propoſe not that end to themſelves, the Devil needs not lay ſuch baits & ſnares to win them to his obedience, being ſuch vaſſals to him, that his motions and commands are ſufficient.
  8. The beginning, increase, and progreſs of ſin, and how to ſtop and prevent it.
  9. They are as the wings of the great red Dragon, who troubles Heaven & Earth, Angels and Men.
  10. Man was to dreſs and keep the Garden before Trangreſſion entred; and when he comes to know ſin and tranſgreſſion finiſhed, or reſtoration into Innocency again, he muſt be exerciſed in the ſame work.
  11. Though mankind may be in a ſtate like unto dry bones ſcattered in a Valley, without marrow and life, yet ſuch may come to unite again, and ſineqs and flesh to come upon them, and to receive the breathe of life, and to know God also, whose work it is; who works marvellous things in the Heavens; as thoſe who go down into the deeps behold.
  12. Fallen man cannot help himſelf, therefore the eye of God pitieth him, and his hand is stretched out to help him: he is only required to lay hold and depend upon the ſame, and it will bring ſalvation to his houſe.
  13. If men would hear and obey the voice of the Son of God, Death, Hell, nor the Grave could not hinder them from Salvation.
  14. No hiding from the eye of God.
  15. Mans condemnation is just, becauſe he hates the light, the way and means of Salvation.
  16. The firſt ſtep in the way to lite, or towards everlaſting happineſs.
  17. Mistake in the underſtanding concerning the nature of things that do preſent themſelves before mankind, is the cauſe of error. Thence it is that ſome call darkneſs light, and light darkneſs.
  18. The way to be rid of evil thoughts and to ſee their deſtruction.
  19. Adam's temptation was inward and myſterious.
  20. Gen. 3.6.
  21. 1 Tim. 2.14. Rom. 8.20.
  22. The Sons and Children of God, of the light, and of the day are only capable to fall as Adam did; and not the children of the Devil and Darkneſs; they are tobe reſtored into Innocency, into uprightneſs, befire they are in danger to fall from it as Adam did.
  23. The way and work of the Devil to keep man in the fall, in the degeneration, in death and darkneſs, ſflaves in his kingdom.
  24. The preſcious love of God, in sending his Son.
  25. The feeding of the forbidden Fruit which was good in itſelf, though not for food, occaſioned and occaſioneth at this day all the miſery that attend mankind.
  26. Flesh, and ſin that dwells in it, may be deſtroyed, and the earthen veſſel cleanſed, and the creature delivered from bondage, even on this ſide the grave.
  27. Leſt thou ſhouldſt ſtumble at thoſe ſayings, conſider that John was the greateſt Prophet that was born of a woman, yet the leaſt in the Kingdom was greater than he.
  28. Consider the ſimily, and in the light try and compare thy ſelf therewith, and thou wilt find the truth thereof.
  29. No opinion nor profeſſion of Religion, &c. where evil thoughts and evil doings ſtands, avails any thing.
  30. Good thoughts are of Gods own begetting, and very comfortable to a Chriſtian, and are the fruit and effećt of keeping and obeying the Law of God within the heart, Rom. 2.14,15.
  31. Proverbs 15.16.
  32. The effećt of good thoughts when eſtablished in the heart.
  33. Many may eat and drink unworthily, deck themſelves with God's Jewels, and play the harlot with them
  34. He that lives in the love, fear, and favor of God, needs not fear men nor Devils.
  35. The true Chriſtian ſtands always armed; though not with carnal weapons.
  36. The preſent enjoyment of the favour and countenance of God, is more eſteemed, more valued by the true Chriſtian than all things viſible.
  37. No true enjoyment of any thing, but in the will of God, and true ſelf denial.
  38. Content the pleaſant companion for a Chriſtian.
  39. The wonderful riches, virtue, power and operation of the precious pearl, none knows but he that hath it.
  40. Not to Jesus the Son of Abraham, David, and Mary, Saint, or Angel, but to God the Father, all worſhip, honour, and glory is to be given through Jesus Chriſt, &c.
  41. The only Pilgrimage of a Chriſtian; all other Pilgrimages to places, Tombs, and Reliques are vain and fruitleſs.
  42. Theſe things are not only to be read, profeſſed, and talked of, but experimentally known.
  43. This is the aſcending of Chriſt up where he was before there was any cauſe for his deſcenſion: he that can underſtand let him.
  44. Thus the Lord isk iwn one, and his name one.
  45. Sin was the occaſion (or cauſe) of the Law, the labour of the Prophets, and the coming and suffering of Chriſt.
  46. The ſubſtance of all ſhadowy Services under the Law
  47. A true Chriſtian is always preaching.
  48. The Chriſtian Muſick is not made by Art and Air.
  49. The true Worſhip of God ſtands not any outward obervation of time, or place, or any bodily exercise therein; but in doing the will of God, bowing in his Spirit, and obeying the voice thereof.
  50. Let the profeſſors of Chriſtianity try themſelves hereby.
  51. Different ſtates and growths in the Truth, no cauſe of diſ-unity.
  52. The end of Wars, &c.
  53. The enjoyment of thoſe things men do, and may witneſs, are on this ſide the Grave.
  54. Read the 25th and 35th. Chapter of I∫aiah's Propheſie, and wait in the precious Faith thou haſt received, till thou enjoy the fulfilling thereof.
  55. Iſa. 30.3,4. 32.18

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