Thursday, September 2, 2021

Living in the presence of Christ

 We live in social contexts (the world over) wherein human relations are guided, informed, and governed by the reflective nature through the agency of political, religious, educational, and economic institutional structures and the individual agents of those institutions. There is a different way wherein human relations are guided through the agency of the direct and continous experience of the spirit of Jesus Christ in the conscience and consciousness. In this indwelling experience, people are aware of the living motion of the spirit through it's increased and decreased presence in given relationships, interactions, and circumstances. This awareness of the spirit's increase and decrease is our guide;  it draws us out of the reflective process and establishes us in the living and active presence of Christ as our sole and sufficient guide in human relations. This frees human conscience and consciousness from the rule and governance of the reflective process, and its agencies and agents, as the rule in human relations.

Human relationships guided in and through the spirit of Christ

 We live in social contexts (the world over) wherein human relations are guided, informed, and governed by the reflective nature through the agency of political, religious, educational, and economic institutional structures and the individual agents of those institutions. There is a different way wherein human relations are guided through the agency of the direct and continous experience of the spirit of Jesus Christ in the conscience and consciousness. In this indwelling experience, people are aware of the living motion of the spirit through it's increased and decreased presence in given relationships, interactions, and circumstances. This awareness of the spirit's increase and decrease is our guide;  it draws us out of the reflective process and establishes us in the living and active presence of Christ as our sole and sufficient guide in human relations. This frees human conscience and consciousness from the rule and governance of the reflective process, and its agencies and agents, as the rule in human relations.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Conscience the throne of Christ

Conscience (the Throne of Christ)

Source: A Discovery of the First Wisdom from Beneath and the Second Wisdom from Above. pg. 5 1656.

Reflective thought covers itself that it may abide still.

...that what ever the light of Christ makes appear to be evill and to be cast off then the other light which stands in mans wisdom, makes a cover for it that it may abide still ...

Source: A Discovery of the First Wisdom from Beneath and the Second Wisdom from Above. pg. 2 1656.

Brain and Will seat of the Serpent

...the will and brain which is the Serpents seat.

Source: A Discovery of the First Wisdom from Beneath, and the Second Wisdom from Above. pg. 1656.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The inshining Light in the Conscience is sufficient to eternal Salvation.

Because they read in John the first Chapter, &c. That the Life of the Word was that true Light, which lighteth every Man that cometh into the world, &c. They with a Fury as great as their Ignorance, from thence, with other Texts, boldly conclude, That the common Light, meer Light, particular measure of Light in all Men coming into the World, called the Light in every Man’s Conscience, is not only sufficient to their eternal Salvation as obeyed, but is God and Christ substantially and essentially within them.

Source: A Charge of Errour, Heresy, &c. by Henry Pickworth pg. 6 London, 1716.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wading through the Scriptures without a Divine Principle's Directions

As every one ought carefully to beware what he admits for a Principle, before he has certainly found it on a strict Examination true of itself by its own Evidence, lest he only believe it so upon the Authority of others, (as a late worthy Author hath well observed); so though none in the World, I am perswaded, have more vehemently cried out against Mens wading in the holy Scriptures without a divine Principle’s Directions than the People call’d Quakers; through which Activity, they tell us, Men (mixing their own Fancies with the Spirit’s Dictates, which prompts them with Desires after Religion) spoil all their Undertakings; and then with a Fury as great as their Ignorance, endeavour the Overthrow of whatever stands in their way, and refuse to receive their Mark in their Foreheads, &c. Yet have none in the World more err’d in this respect, than the most noted Leaders of the same People, to the Ruin of their own Reformation ...

Source: A Charge of Error ... Henry Pickworth, pg. 5. London, 1715.